I like photograpy. I like taking pictures of things, and people. My grandpa, and dad are photographers, so I have been with cameras all my life. We have many pictures, and we got a new digital camera, which is where these pictures are from. These are just some of the pictures that I have been taking lately. If you like one of these pictures, I can send you a better quality picture than what appears here, so if you like it, just ask me and maybe I will send you one....

Check out my Edited Pictures Page!

These pages were added my Freshman year (2000 - 2001). To go to the newly added pictures click here.

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My messy room

My roommates side of the room

My messy closet

My side of the room

My side in blacklight
Better blacklight pics

My celing in blacklight
Better blacklight pics

My side in blacklight 2
Better blacklight pics

The Northern Star

Ghostly Pete

Ghostly Pete 2

Ghostly Chris

That would be a laser

The all famous PS2

We all have to study sometime

Susie and Josh

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