Oh no! You found it! Well now that you did find this page, I'm going to share with you what its all about. This page is where I am going to have the different events pictures. I'm somewhat keeping it away from my original site, because I don't know who will be looking at my site, so I would like to keep indecent pictures off of it. ....No, they aren't that bad I'm just talking about pictures with alcohol bottles in them, or things like that. Feel free to look and take whatever pictures you want, but please, if you do use them for something, please tell me, just so I know what pictures you all like. Anyways, here are the pictures, just click on the description/date to view the pictures:
Ole Stevenson Crew 2002-2003 Ole Douglas Crew 2002-2003
Stevenson Crew 2001-2002 Douglas Crew 2001-2002 Party on February 8th 2002 coming soon! Party on January 20th 2002 coming soon! Party on January 18th 2002 coming soon!